Beverley and I would like to welcome you to Wonderland Educare.We provide services from 3 month Babies to Grade R.The privilege of parenthood brings with it the responsibility of planning for the future of our children. Difficult decisions must often be made, with the only guideline being the fact that whatever choices we make, our children deserve only the best. At home, we ensure that the values we instil equip them for the future. It is, however, the time they spend with others – educators and friends that concern us most, for they are beyond our control.This is why the choice of a place or learning is possibly the most important decision any parent can make, as this decision will ultimately affect a learner’s ability to succeed in life. At Wonderland Educare, we offer complete peace of mind, not only preparing your child academically for teh challenges they may face in big school ,but also emotionally, socially, morally and physically, in preparation for life’s challenges.
We appreciate the time that you are taking to investigate what we have to offer and we hope that our website will prove informative and provide answers to the many questions that you may have regarding our educational programme. You are welcome to visit us at any time, should you require personal attention. We hope that we will be able to share, with you, our vision for ‘life long learning’ and our programme of a loving , caring and nuturing environment for your child.
Frank , is the Chairman of the Tableview ECD forum , that incorporates the entire Tableview Sunningdale, Westbeach ,Bloubergrandt and Big Bay. Frank is also the head of Education at the school and deals with the Western Cape Department of Education and Social development on their education programs.
As you would have seen on our Home page , we have built a new facility in Sunningdale to offer residents of the area a Sunningdale Educare facility to be Proud of. We will be offering all the services of a Sunningdale Creche and Sunningdale Pre school facility that the community will be proud of.
Frank Manson
Director of Education
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